The Whiteboard--A whiteboard is a non-electronic variation of the traditional "re-writeable" schoolroom blackboard. It is white instead of black and of a material that can be written on with colored markers (known as dry erase markers that have a non-toxic smell unlike the old highly dangerous black sharpies of the 80’s). Fiducia uses dry erase markers to erase your previous benefit plan, explain the difference in the plans and replace it with your new one that fits your needs. And yes, we promise you will understand it, The Whiteboard Way.
Relationship Building: Our firm doesn’t just get a price for you, we will do as much as you want us to do to provide the best value for your employee benefits. Additional items we provide or assist in are:
Enrollment (new hire and open enrollment)
HR Assistant – ThinkHR
Benefit Administration - Ease
"If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough." Albert Einstein